So yes, I past PART of the TEST; however GOD was not finished with my testing.
Only now am I realizing this.
I now realize that my dear friend, who is like a big sister, Linda, was right all along.
I kept petitioning GOD over and over to open up the way for hopefully Congresswoman Marge Taylor Greene (D’s daughter) to be able through reading the Marge letter and this book to finally determine if Jealous Jim is one of these PREDATOR MEN really only after D’s EIGHT FIGURE WEALTH or does he really care for her.
Linda had told me months ago to let GOD handle it but I was so focused on SAVING my former friend D that I couldn’t just LET GO LET GOD!
So finally I have decided to not pursue this matter any further and LET GOD HANDLE IT!
GOD knows way better than I do what is going on. This has to be between GOD and D!
More in next post!