Armor of God Part 7
Yes I WON over SATAN when he tried to get me to commit SUICIDE!
How did I win?
First, I realized that this is WAR!
Second I knew I needed support from my fellow Christian brothers and sisters NOT ANTIDEPRESSANTS like Congresswoman Marge Taylor Greene’s mom D thought was the answer. I NEVER used ANTIDEPRESSANTS and don’t plan to!
Third, this WAR is NOT being fought against FLESH and BLOOD but against SATAN and his DEMONS as Paul warns in Ephesians.
The ENEMY that has inhabited both D and Jealous Jim are SATAN and his DEMONS as the WAR is not being fought on Planet Earth but in the DEMONIC SPIRITUAL REALM!
The GOOD NEWS is that we have our own SPIRITUAL WARRIOR/S fighting for you and I!
However you can only WIN by putting on the ARMOR OF GOD, which D and I were studying when Jealous Jim brought himself back into her life and again D broke another PROMISE to satisfy Jealous Jim cutting off a 30+ YEARS FRIENDSHIP!
If D has no longer been putting on the ARMOR OF GOD EVERY DAY she is losing the WAR!