Armor of God Part 6
Yes, SATAN decided to also go after me!
He of course knew my past and the several times I had tried to commit SUICIDE!
So one morning during the time I was trying to make CONGRESSWOMAN MARGE TAYLOR GREENE’S mom D wake up to the potential that Jealous Jim just might be more interested in her EIGHT FIGURE WEALTH than her, I experienced the same PANIC ATTACKS that D had herself told me about when we were speaking. I thought I was never going to catch my breath!
Next SATAN upped it to the very same DEPRESSION D told me she experienced after the numerous break-ups with Jealous Jim that led to her wanting to go to the beach as explained in the book. Of course, SATAN using Jealous Jim ended that every time!
SATAN of course knew of my previous SUICIDE attempts from decades ago and thought that because I was not fulfilling the BOB PROMISE to watch over D, he would just end it with SUICIDE!
Thanks to my Franklin Christian Church pastor and friends SATAN was foiled again! They began to pray for me and I also decided even D as a BEST FRIEND OF 30+ YEARS was not worth losing my ETERNAL LIFE WITH GOD!
She heard about this and of course she thought the solution was an antidepressant just like she took!
Not me! JESUS was far better than an antidepressant!