Armor of God Part 2
Yes, SATAN was attacking Congresswoman Marge Taylor Greene’s Mom D through her PARANOID LONELINESS as I guess she thinks Jealous Jim is her LAST opportunity at 70 years old!
She is a vibrant funny great looking 70!
Jealous Jim is most likely a worn out old 72 years old traveling salesman that realizes he has a Golden Goose with D’s EIGHT figure wealth!
What makes me think that?
After one of their break-ups D even suggested Jealous Jim should go back to dating his BACK UP GIRLFRIEND as her social security combined with his could be a good situation!
Yes, Jealous Jim had or possibly still has a BACK UP GIRLFRIEND that D not only knows about but actually condoned!
Of course, SATAN jumped back in this situation having Jealous Jim do everything to get back to that Golden Goose D!
Every time they called off this “teenage” romance D would immediately get back with me, which Jealous Jim also didn’t want happening!
Can you see what happens when you are not wearing the ARMOR OF GOD?
SATAN moves in!
More in next post!